Wednesday 16 July 2014

London In Bloom

Last Thursday we had a visit from two judges from the London in Bloom campaign.  It was at quite short notice, and all we knew in advance was that Tom and I were to show them around the site.

Once they arrived we heard that the intention was to spend about ten minutes with us. That of course meant that they would be getting more of a glimpse than anything like a grand tour.

The route we followed took us past the plot that will soon be home to two new honeybee hives, the nearby flower meadow, the Orchard, and Tom's flourishing plot.  There was also a welcome surprise event ~ seeing our resident Rainbow Fairy in action.

As we walked and talked we soon discovered that the purpose of the visit was to appraise Ascott Allotments as part of this year's competition.  Fingers crossed it was a favourable glimpse they got on their impromptu whirlwind tour.

flower meadow

honeybee home-to-be

en route...

Tom's plot...

more en route...

Sunday 13 July 2014

Yesterday's Workday

Sunny day!

spanner in the works

a well-earned rest

Tuesday 1 July 2014

E & H A A Annual Show

From the Ealing & Hanwell Allotment Association:

You can pick up a show schedule for the rules at the Ascott or Searchlight trading huts, or for an online version go to or and they will email you a copy.