Tuesday 28 April 2015

Flower Meadow Notes

- kindly provided by Tom.

Sowing of the Flower Meadow April 11 2015

We are using the Annual Standards Meadow Mix from Pictorial Meadows (www.pictorialmeadows.co.uk)

Annual Flower Meadow

No grasses

Soil high in nutrients

A mix of native & non-native species, annuals

Many flowers over long period, up to 7 months

A big WOW factor

Traditional Hay / Wild
Flower Meadow

Lots of grasses

Soil low in nutrients

Mainly native species, annuals & perennials

Few flowers over 2-3 months (mainly summer)

More subdued & shorter flowering


3g per square metre

Rake to a fine tilth

Use 8 foot canes to mark out square metres or score a line in the soil after careful measuring

Mix seeds with dry sand (2 scoops sand per square metre, therefore 30g seeds need 20 scoops sand)

Sow 2 scoops of sand & seed mix per square metre

The Ascott clay soil needs different finishing techniques according to how dry/wet it is

Gently rake seed into soil if ground is wet

Use a roller if soil is dry to give more contact with soil
(Using a roller if soil is wet makes a pan & seeds will rot)

No need to water unless no rain for 10-14 days

Friday 10 April 2015

FMHAS Spring Show

Federation of Middlesex Horticultural and Allotment Societies 


this Sunday 12th April 2.30 - 4.30pm

at Perivale Community Centre, Horsenden Lane South, Perivale


flowers .. plants .. handicrafts .. cookery .. floral art .. photography
& other arts and crafts

(thanks Clive)

April Workday

Flower Meadow Sowing